Sampford Brett Activities Group

Sampford Brett Activites Group is a group of villagers who get together to organise fun social and fundraising activities and events throughout the year. We try to keep things as informal as possible, but obviously we have to keep within certain guidelines, and so we do have a constitution. Our current chair is Martin Blazey and Jan Swan is treasurer.
We organise a programme of events that balances both fund-raising and social needs; it's as much about getting people together as it is about raising money . . . but clearly we do need to raise money for a variety of things - particularly the village hall and the church.
We organise
- the annual Village Fete and Supper, which is always popular and our biggest fund-raiser
- a couple of Quizzes each year
- a village Duck race
- monthly (mostly) "Pop Up Pub" nights in the village hall where a selection of fine wines and ales is available for purchase, normally accompanied by an event of some sort, often involving food!
- a village "100 Club" (there's a few tickets left for this year!) that awards a £25 and £10 prize each month
Details of activites are listed on the Events page of the website.
We're always looking for new members and new ideas so don't be shy - this is what village life is all about!
“Our village coming together for fun and fund-raising!”